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Plot Types
A wide range of 2D, 3D and intensity plots are available across all applications.
Composite Plot
FFT Phase
Frequency Track
H(f) Mag
Lin Spec
Mag Spec
Order Track
Spec Intensity
Synth Octave
Time Trace
Supported function types include
One Click Report Generation
A simple mouse click will export the current display to a variety of different formats
Exports all current pages of GTX into Microsoft Word. Each page of GTX will be exported as its own image.
Exports the currently selected plot as XY values and creates a graphical plot in Microsoft Excel as well.
Allows either the XY values of the plot (text format) or the image to be copied to the Windows Clipboard.
Exports all current pages of GTX into a PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format).
Exports the current page to an image file. Supported formats are PNG, JPG and BMP.
Status Panels
The Process Line Status panel presents the numerical results of the Process Line Definition calculations in tabular format. The content of the status rows reflects the conditions of the Warning and Alarm levels as well.
Custom Status Panels
The custom status panels can display processed data in a multitude of ways and from a variety of sources, all defined by the end user.
Custom Status Panels
The displays can present data over a customizable range of time, up to and including the most recent 10 minutes of data.
Different Display Modes
Text, X-Y graphs, bar graphs, gauges, and tachometers can be used.
User Pane Setup
Panes are organized into rows and columns and are fully customizable. Above is a status panel consisting of 8 rows by 5 columns resulting in 40 plots.